Saturday, May 11, 2013

Kaylee: school girl

Some new with Kaylee in school girl theme. I plan also to make poll to see which of my recurrent girls has the most popularity.


  1. Anonymous5/11/2013


    Kaylee, YAY! ...Never too much of her. She's Gorgeous. Love the 5 schoolgirl renders.

    If you have any like these in horizontal?, please post.

    You do amazing work! - Thank you for these.

    just me, ...Summer

    1. Blogspot has a size limit ... 1600/1600.

      Thank you :).

  2. Oh Kaylee you are so beautiful. :-)

    I agree with above comment. She is really so gorgeous and in my eyes your most beautiful character. Hope other ones here will see it also so. Excellent new renders of her. Many thanks for sharing my friend. Hope you have new excellent inspiration ideas with . If not, please let me know. Perhaps I could help you a little. ;-)

  3. Kaylee looks cute in the outfit. I did notice that in the last two images, esp with the closeup, her pinkie finger looks really thin. This might be due to the angle, but it seems so disproportionate that it stands out. Kaylee might not be my favorite (Paris all the way!) she certainly looks good in the school outfit, or lack thereof. Cant wait to see more.

    1. I will to try some kind of this set with Paris.

  4. eclesi4stik, these picture are vivid and realistic !! You're such an amazing artist, I wonder how you make these pictures. I seldom go to other peopel's BLOG and leave comments, but you deserve a sincere compliment! GOOD JOB !^_^

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, glad you like my artwork.
